Find Service Providers - FinHub Cyprus


Fiduciary Services - what does it mean and why it is so common in Cyprus? Why so many lawyers are using this phrase?

Lawyers and Service Providers have the fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their clients

FinHub 0 530 Article rating: 5.0

Services offered by fiduciary service providers:

  • Substance services
  • Holding of shares on behalf of the real owners
  • Acting as directors, company secretary and shareholders of a company
  • Providing a physical address to a company

How to use FinHub to find an accountant?

Tips for effective usage of the platfrom

FinHub 0 1273 Article rating: No rating

Some Tips 

  1. Read the service categories carefully and choose the one(s) most relevant to you. Ful service package is the most common one as it covers a comprehensive number of services your business needs from a compliance and statutory standpoint. 

  1. If you have never run your own business before, leave the budget field empty as unrealistic budgets will not return any offers. 

  1. Use the notes box as much as possible to describe your needs and important information to your circumstances. This will assist the service providers to get a clear understanding of your needs and provide you accurate quotations 

  1. Information and documentation used by FinHub is completely secure and is never shared with third parties other than the licensed service providers registered by FinHub and once they have accepted your enquiry. 

What is the work of an accountant? Really? Because you all have it wrong!

The most common misconception about accountants is

FinHub 0 1191 Article rating: No rating

A professional accountant performing your bookkeeping not only books your sales and purchases in a licensed software but also your bank account and payroll in such a manner that they reconcile. By reconcile we mean that your books (accounting entries) agree with the bank account, payroll creditor at any given month and most importantly comply with local laws and regulations. 

Sounds easier than it actually is. With more than 20 years in the field bookkeeping is a complex and demanding task. A task that certainly not anyone can do.  

Find an Auditor that Meet your Needs - Criteria to Pay Attention to

Each business is different. So are the audit and assurance firms! 

FinHub 0 805 Article rating: 4.0

It does not matter if you are Coca Cola or a street sole trader. You must be able to identify which type of audit and assurance firm best suits your needs and organization's profile.  

We analyse what you should consider before choosing the right audit and assurance firm for your needs below:


FinHub Cyprus

Empowering businesses, accountants, lawyers and tax experts across Cyprus

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